Tashi’s Discovery

In November of 2022, the engineering team at Tashi completed a proof of concept implementation of the Tashi Consensus Engine (TCE). The proof of concept was a multiplayer horse racing game where each player of the game was on a separate computer connected on a local area network (LAN), loading a simple horse racing game, and pressing the spacebar repeatedly. The player who pressed the spacebar 100 times first was the winner. In this demonstration, the objective was to use a consensus engine to capture user inputs, fairly order them, and reflect the results of user inputs to all players in the multiplayer session. The result was a multiplayer game where all players viewed the same results across multiple instances of the game without using an authoritative server.

The Tashi business development team evaluated multiple industries for fit, including synchronized databases, high-frequency trading, gambling, decentralized message queues, and even a decentralized social network. The industry that showed the most promise and was immediately responsive was the gaming industry.

TCE could be used as a serverless leaderless peer-to-peer multiplayer gaming engine, now simply called “mesh multiplayer”. The Tashi core engineering team continued to develop, improve, and test TCE. An additional team was organized to lead the development of a software development kit (SDK) for Unity, the most popular game development engine. The objective of the SDK was to simplify the integration of mesh multiplayer mode for any multiplayer game developer to incorporate. To confirm the functionality of this SDK, the SDK team integrated mesh multiplayer into Unity’s dungeon crawler multiplayer game demo, which highlighted the feasibility of using TCE to keep high-end role-playing game clients in sync during game play.

It has become clear that Tashi is building a reputation as the leader in applying Web 3.0 technology to the game development space in a way that brings value to Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 developers alike, demonstrating a real viability for the technology.

Tashi may help to resolve many of the problems of Web 3.0 adoption in the gaming space, notably:

  • TCE reduces the cost of real-time consensus for peer-to-peer gaming.

  • TCE’s latency is low enough to support live game sessions.

  • TCE’s throughput is high enough to support game event broadcasting.

  • The complexity of incorporating TCE is abstracted away through SDKs.

  • Tashi does not require developer or player participation in public network tokenomics.

  • TCE inoculates against lag griefing and local state manipulation cheats.

  • Tashi will enable privacy preserving regulatory compliance when integrated with in-game ad networks.

  • Tashi offers a mechanism for connecting game sessions with public networks, bridging the gap between current Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 ecosystems.