Command - User

Manage user credentials for connecting to the message broker protocol

Usage: foxmq user <COMMAND>




Add a user record to the credentials file, creating it if it doesn't exist.


Generate a user record and print it to stdout



Add a user record to the credentials file, creating it if it doesn't exist.

If a username and/or password are not provided, you will be prompted for them interactively.

Usage: foxmq user add [OPTIONS] [USERNAME] [PASSWORD]


  • USERNAME The username of the user. Must be unique within the users file. If omitted, you will be prompted to enter it interactively.

  • PASSWORD The password for the user. If omitted, you will be prompted to enter it interactively, or be given the option to generate a random one.


  • --log, -l Set the format of log output.

    • Default: full

    • Options: full, compact, pretty, json

      • json is structured and is intended for usage by tools that process structured logs in production environments, and is not optimized for human readability.

  • --output-file, -O The path to write the address book and secret key files to. If any parent directories in the path do not already exist, they will be created.

    • Default: foxmq.d/users.toml

  • --write-mode, -m Controls how this command writes to --output-file.

    • Default: append

    • Possible values:

      • append: Append to the file if it already exists, or create it if it doesn't.

      • truncate: Truncate the file if it already exists, or create it if it doesn't.


Generate a user record and write it to stdout

Usage: foxmq user generate [OPTIONS] <USERNAME> [PASSWORD]



    The username of the user. Must be unique within the users file.

  • PASSWORD The password for the user. If omitted, the password will be read from the first line on stdin.


--log, -l Set the format of log output.

  • Default: full

  • Options: full, compact, pretty, json

    • json is structured and is intended for usage by tools that process structured logs in production environments, and is not optimized for human readability.

Last updated