Command - AddressBook

Generate an address book file and set of private keys for a FoxMQ session.

Usage: foxmq address-book <COMMAND>




Generate the address book from a list of predetermined socket addresses


Generate the address book from a base IP address and a range of ports


Generate the address book from a list of predetermined UDP socket addresses

These socket addresses correspond to the --cluster-addr of each node, or a socket address that connects to it if using

An error will be returned if the same address is listed more than once.

Usage: foxmq address-book from-list [OPTIONS] <SOCKET_ADDRESSES>...


  • SOCKET_ADDRESSES... The list of UDP socket addresses (IP:port) to include in the address book. An error will be returned if the same address is listed more than once.


  • --log, -l Set the format of log output.

    • Default: full

    • Options: full, compact, pretty, json

      • json is structured and is intended for usage by tools that process structured logs in production environments, and is not optimized for human readability.

  • --output-dir, -O The path to write the address book and secret key files to. If any parent directories in the path do not already exist, they will be created. An error will be returned if the directory already contains an address-book.toml or any conflicting key_*.pem Pass -f/--force to overwrite any existing files.

    • Default: foxmq.d/

  • --force/-f If any file generated by the command already exists, overwrite it instead of emitting an error.


Note: This Example uses IP Addresses from the TEST-NET-1 range, and they're reserved for documentation purposes.

foxmq address-book from-list \
    -O "foxmq.d/" \
     "" \


Generate the address book from a base IP address and a range of UDP ports.

These socket addresses correspond to the --cluster-addr of each node, or a socket address that connects to it if using

The total number of addresses generated will be PORT_END - PORT_START + 1 (because the range is inclusive). Usage: foxmq address-book from-list [OPTIONS] <BASE_ADDRESS> <PORT_START> <PORT_END>


  • BASE_ADDRESS The base IP address which will be affixed with ports in the given range

  • PORT_START The start of the UDP port range (inclusive)

  • PORT_END The end of the UDP port range (inclusive)


  • --log, -l Set the format of log output.

    • Default: full

    • Options: full, compact, pretty, json

      • json is structured and is intended for usage by tools that process structured logs in production environments, and is not optimized for human readability.

  • --output-dir, -O The path to write the address book and secret key files to. If any parent directories in the path do not already exist, they will be created. An error will be returned if the directory already contains an address-book.toml or any conflicting key_*.pem Pass -f/--force to overwrite any exiting files.

    • Default: foxmq.d/

  • --force/-f If any file generated by the command already exists, overwrite it instead of emitting an error.


foxmq address-book from-range \
    -O "foxmq.d/" \
     "" \
      19793 \

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